Roles and Responsibilities


  • Submits a deployment request to the Blueprint contract.
  • Retrieves proof of deployment after the process is completed.


  • Listens for deployment request events from the Blueprint.
  • Submits a deployment request to the blockchain.
  • Performs a real deployment based on the proposal.
  • Submits a deployment proof to the Blueprint contract.

Crestal Backend

  • Accepts off-chain deployment requests.
  • Updates deployment status.

Blueprint Smart Contract

  • Accepts deployment requests from Builders or the Crestal frontend.
  • Emits deployment request events.
  • Decides which Worker can handle a deployment request.
  • Emits events for deployment acceptance and proof of deployment submission.

Deployment Workflow

  1. Builder (via API or Crestal Frontend) triggers the Blueprint smart contract by requesting a proposal deployment with the following parameters:

    • solverAddress: The address of the Solver. If using the Crestal frontend, this is the address that generated the proposal. Otherwise, it can be any address.
    • Base64Proposal: Encoded proposal in Base64 format with additional attributes. Refer to the proposal.format chapter for details.
    • serverURL: The URL for the Crestal backend (default: Crestal backend URL).
  2. Blueprint Smart Contract Emits a Deployment Event

    The Blueprint Smart Contract processes deployment requests and emits one of two events depending on the proposal type:

    RequestDeployment Emitted for general deployment requests. This event includes:

    • solverAddress: Address of the Solver (or Builder if submitted directly).
    • Base64Proposal: Encoded proposal details.
    • serverURL: Backend server URL.
    • requestID: Unique deployment request ID.

    RequestPrivateDeployment Emitted for private deployments when the proposal specifies a selected Worker. Includes:

    • privateWorkerAddress: The explicitly selected Worker’s address.

    These events can be detected by running the event listeners included in the SDK:

    • utils/berachainBartioEventListener
    • utils/bscTestnetEventListener
    • utils/polygonAmoyEventListener
  3. Worker submits deployment request to the contract:

    • Listen for RequestDeployment events.
    • Fetch the associated requestId from the event.
    • Submit a deployment request to the Blueprint contract using the submitDeploymentToContract SDK util from utils/submitDeploymentToContract
    • The function takes two parameters, projectId and requestId, both are extracted from the RequestDeployment request
      This step is skipped for private worker deployments.
  4. Blueprint Contract selects worker:

    • Receives multiple Worker requests.
    • Selects a Worker to handle the deployment using a first-come, first-serve strategy.
    • Emits an AcceptDeployment event containing the requestId and the selected Worker address.
      This step is skipped for private worker deployments.
  5. Selected Worker:

    • Listens for AcceptDeployment events to verify if they are assigned.
    • If selected:
      • Performs the real deployment.

      • Sends a POST request to the Crestal backend (/v1/deployments/worker) to record the deployment using submitDeployment from utils/submitDeployment following the below format:

        export interface Deployment {
            request_id: string; // Required field, unique ID for the deployment request
            chain_id: number;
            project_id?: string; // Optional field, project ID from the Crestal website
            worker_name?: string; // Optional field, name of the worker
            worker_address: string; // Required field, worker's Ethereum address in hex format
            solver_address: string; // Required field, solver's Ethereum address in hex format
            status: DeployStatus; // Required field, current status of the deployment
            proposal_hash?: string; // Optional field, hash of the proposal
            proposal?: object; // Optional field, serialized JSON string of the proposal
            deployment_details?: DeploymentDetails ; // Optional field, serialized JSON string of the deployment details
        export type DeployStatus =
            | 'init'
            | 'pick_up'
            | 'deploying'
            | 'deployed'
            | 'generating_proof'
            | 'generated_proof';
      • Syncs deployment status via /v1/deployments/worker/status using updateDeploymentStatus from utils/updateDeploymentStatus.

      • Completes the deployment and submits proof to the Blueprint using submitDeploymentToContract from utils/submitDeploymentToContract following the above format:

        export type ProofOfDeploymentContract = {
            request_id: string;
            proposal_base64: string;
            expiration_date: number;
            worker_address: string;
            server_https_url?: string;
            server_http_url?: string;
            server_web_socket_url?: string;
            server_rpc_endpoint?: string;
            server_grpc_endpoint?: string;
            deployment_pick_up_time: number;
            deployment_deployed_time: number;
            description?: string;
            machine_info?: MachineInfo;
            service_info?: ServiceInfo;
        export type MachineInfo = {
            mac_address: string;
            cloud_provider: string;
            unique_id: string;
        export type ServiceInfo = {
            api_infos: APIInfo[];
        export type APIInfo = {
            endpoint: string;
            method: string;
            request?: string;
            response?: string;
      • Syncs the proof of deployment with the Crestal backend via /v1/deployments/worker/status using updateDeploymentStatus, this time including DeploymentDetails:

        export type DeploymentDetails = {
            access_url: string;
            server_https_url: string;
            server_http_url: string;
            server_ws_url: string;
            server_wss_url: string;
            server_web_socket_url?: string;
            server_grpc_endpoint?: string;
            server_rpc_endpoint?: string;
            token: string;
  6. The contract receives the proof of deployment:

    • Receives the proof of deployment.
    • Emits a GeneratedProofOfDeployment event containing the Base64-encoded proof.

Event Details

Events Emitted by the Blueprint Smart Contract

  • RequestDeployment: Signals a new deployment request.
  • AcceptDeployment: Indicates a Worker has been selected for deployment.
  • GeneratedProofOfDeployment: Contains the Base64-encoded proof of deployment.